A Newsweek Best Graphic Novel of the Year The impossible has happened: The Joker has become a ... hero? Batman: White Knight follows the man now known as Jack Napier as he embarks on a quest to heal the city he once terrorized. After reconciling with his long-suffering partner, Harley Quinn, he sets in motion a carefully plotted campaign to discredit the one person whom he views as Gotham City's true enemy: Batman. His crusade exposes a decades-long history of corruption within the Gotham City Police Department and transforms Napier into a city councilman and civic hero. But when the sins of his past return to threaten everything that he has accomplished, the distinctions between savior and destroyer begin to break down for both The Joker and Batman alike--and with them any hope for Gotham's future. Writer and artist Sean Murphy delivers an extraordinary examination of comics' greatest antagonists in Batman: White Knight , exploring justice, corruption, activism and the darkest depths of mental illness. Collecting the acclaimed eight-issue miniseries, this stunning graphic novel also marks the debut of the DC Black Label imprint, which features classic DC characters in standalone stories written and illustrated by world-class authors and artists.
Batman : curse of the white knight
Sean Murphy
- Urban Comics
- Dc Black Label
- 2 October 2020
- 9791026819752
Le fléau Jack Napier est de nouveau derrière les barreaux, mais la sérénité est loin d'être de retour à Gotham, et encore moins au Manoir Wayne, où Bruce peine à retrouver équilibre et sérénité. Son pire ennemi n'a pas seulement ébranlé ses convictions et sa raison d'être, il a également durablement saccagé l'image de Batman et sa légitimité aux yeux des habitants de sa ville. La disparition d'Alfred n'est pas sans séquelle non plus, bien qu'elle laisse derrière lui un héritage inattendu : le journal d'Edmond Wayne daté de 1685, premier de sa lignée à s'être installé à Gotham et adversaire d'un certain Lafayette Arkham, dont les ossements ont été récemment découvert dans la cellule du Joker.
Dans un futur proche, la maison de production OPHIS tient le sujet de son prochain programme de télé-réalité : filmer la vie de Jésus Christ. Recréé génétiquement à partir des traces ADN du suaire de Turin, le clone du Messie grandit sous le regard avide des caméras et d'une Amérique subjuguée par ce qu'elle pense être la Seconde Venue du Christ. Quelques années plus tard, l'expérience tourne court lorsque l'adolescent entre en révolte totale contre le système et devient le prophète d'une autre Amérique.
A lot can change in 10 years, especially in Gotham! Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, may be behind bars, but the real criminals are still out there.
Gotham Motors CEO Derek Powers has seized control of the Wayne familys assets and is using them to transform the GTO and the city theyve sworn to protect. Crime is down, but at what cost? A new Batman has emerged in Powerss city, and only Bruce is fully aware of the dangers to come. Its time to destroy the mantle for good, but hell need one of his forgotten sons help to do so. Enter Jason Toddthe first Robin?!
In this thrilling sequel to the blockbuster comic book hits -
Sean Murphy
- Dc Comics
- 27 September 2022
- 9781779516817
B>Ancient curses are awoken and timeless secrets are revealed in this Eisner Award nominated and explosive sequel to the critically acclaimed blockbuster Batman: White Knight from writer/artist Sean Murphy!/b>br>br>The Joker recruits Azrael to help him expose a shocking secret about the Wayne family''s legacy--and run Gotham City into the ground! As Batman rushes to protect the city and his loved ones from danger, the mystery of his ancestry unravels and Batman begins to question everything he thought he knew about himself and his place in>br>With Gotham City''s identity and institutions hanging in the balance, Barbara Gordon decides to take matters into her own hands -- but will her rogue actions play right into The Joker''s plans? After tragedy strikes, Renee Montoya steps into the fray to lead the GTO and restore order to the chaos that is quickly consuming Gotham City. Lightning-quick pacing and an all-star cast of Gotham''s heaviest hitters will keep you on the edge of your seat until the breathtaking finale of this second installment of the White Knight saga!br>br>Collects Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1-8 and Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze #1.
A Newsweek Best Graphic Novel of the Year. The impossible has happened: The Joker has become a...hero? The critically acclaimed Batman: White Knight gets a new deluxe treatment. Quickly becoming a classic Batman story, Batman: White Knight follows the transformation of The Joker into a sane citizen of Gotham: Jack Napier. After reconciling with his long-suffering partner, Harley Quinn, he sets in motion a carefully plotted campaign to discredit the one person whom he views as Gotham City's true enemy: Batman. Napier's crusade exposes a decades-long history of corruption within the Gotham City Police Department and transforms Napier into a city councilman and civic hero. But when the sins of his past return to threaten everything that he has accomplished, the distinctions between savior and destroyer begin to break down for both The Joker and Batman alike--and with them any hope for Gotham's future. Writer and artist Sean Murphy delivers an extraordinary examination of comics' greatest antagonists in Batman: White Knight , exploring justice, corruption, activism and the darkest depths of mental illness. Collecting the acclaimed eight-issue miniseries, including sketches and scripts as well as Sean Murphy's orginal pencils. This stunning graphic novel also marks the debut of the DC Black Label imprint, which features classic DC characters in all-new, standalone stories written and illustrated by world-class authors and artists.